This project explores the transformation of urban soundscapes and visual landscapes through personal observation, critical reflection, and speculative imagination. By analyzing the changing nature of city life, it juxtaposes reality with perception and envisions the digital future of human experience.


Part 1: What Do You See?

The project begins with a personal sensory experience—hearing the sound of fireworks from a window. However, upon closer observation, the realization emerges that the sound is not from celebrations but from nearby construction sites. This moment of recognition shifts the perception of the city, revealing its dense skyscrapers, blocked sunlight, loss of intimacy, and the overwhelming force of urbanization. Through photography and digital visualization, this section presents the emotional and existential distance between the lived city and the imagined ideal.

Part 2: What Do You Imagine?

Speculating on the future, the project explores how media technology and digital environments will shape human experiences.
It questions whether traditional, tangible experiences—such as fireworks—will be replaced by purely digital, untouchable spectacles.
By using digital processing, glitch aesthetics, and 3D visual interpretations, the project envisions a world where cityscapes dissolve into data, and celebrations become algorithmic performances.

Through a combination of observation, analysis, and speculative representation, this project highlights the shifting boundaries between reality, perception, and digital imagination. It invites viewers to reflect on how modern cities reshape human experiences and to question the role of technology in mediating emotional and sensory connections to the world.