The vacuum of space, where sound cannot travel—how do we prepare for the sensory deprivation that accompanies a long journey through the cosmos?
"Inwards" is an immersive experimental project that examines the effects of sensory deprivation and human adaptation in the void of space. By constructing a narrative that connects inner perception with the vastness of outer space, the project explores how shifts in sensory experience lead to a deeper understanding of humanity’s relationship with its environment.

The project investigates the interconnectedness of the human sensory system, which functions as an integrated field of perception. When one sensory channel is blocked in its interaction with the external world, others adapt to compensate. As we ascend beyond the stratosphere, the thinning atmosphere pushes sensory and cognitive limits. The only sounds that remain are internal—subtle vibrations of brain activity and the ringing of tinnitus transmitted through bone conduction. Hearing shifts from an outward-facing function to an inward exploration of the body’s own processes.

This experiment introduces a unique sensory experience under conditions of imbalance. Sound and visuals are synchronized to reflect changes in air density and thresholds, creating an evolving sensory environment as the atmosphere becomes thinner. 

The universe brims with matter, rainforests, and a gaze damp with wonder.
My meditation escapes the Milky Way—a vast expanse of darkness stretches before me, while behind, a luminous trail of light flickers, evoking the memory of an unspoken connection.


"Inwards"是一个沉浸式的实验项目,它研究了空间真空中感官剥夺对人类适应的影响。通过构建一段弥合内在感知与外太空广阔维度的叙事,该项目深入探讨了感知的转变如何促使人类重新思考自身与环境的深层关联。 我们试图在人类本身与宇宙幻象中制造出一场有关内外空间的叙事。感官系统具有互联性,身体感知作为一个整体场域,如果感官系统在与外部世界进行交互时出现某种官能的阻隔,其它感官通道则会“代偿”其功能。当我们上升到平流层之上,我们的感官和认知被推向了极限,只能听见骨传导下脑细胞流动和耳鸣的声音。听力不再是向外获取,而是向内探索。



In 12 days, the team rapidly prototypes these ideas, culminating in a final display inside a custom-designed space capsule by Scene Everything.
The space capsule serves as an experiential environment, simulating the psychological and emotional effects of the Overview Effect.
Visitors experience firsthand the visual and emotional impact of viewing Earth from space, deepening their understanding of our planet’s fragility and interconnectedness.